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Who is an Orthdontist?

If your dentist referred you to an orthodontist, it means you have crooked teeth that needs to be straightened.

An orthodontist is a dental specialist who helps in straightining your teeth, they go through additional 2-3 years of additional studying after dental school to specialize.

They are trained to diagnose and treat dental and facial irregularities. They provide options to straighten crooked teeth, fix bad bites and align the jaws correctly.

Orthodontic treatemnt is not a quick fix. Your care often starts with a thorough examination of the teeth and jaw in addition to the study of dental records such as x-rays, photos, plus models of the teeth. From this detailed information your orthodontist usually develops a coustom treatment plan for you. You will be advised of the recommended treatment,how long it is expected to last, and steps you must take as a patient, such as keeping scheduled appointments, to reach treatment goals.

You can achieve amazing results by working together with your doctor by avoiding sugary drinks, chewing on hard candies and by maintaining a good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing regularly is a must!

Orthodontic treatment usually last between 12-24 months after which, if you are happy with how your teeth look,you can get your braces off and enter the retention phase of treatment.

With great care of your teeth during orthodontic treatment and wearing your retainer after your treatment, you can have the straight and beautiful smile you always wanted. 




Stone Ridge Orthodontist